Brand Overview

We are pleased to welcome you to Zelta Labs’s brand resources site. In this page, you will find the adequate brand guidelines along with the downloadable assets as well as other information about using Zelta Labs’s resources in your own business

Brand Guidelines And Assets

Anybody making use of Zelta Labs’s assets must only use the screenshots and logos available on our Brand Resource Center webpage and follow the given guidelines

Only the people planning to use Zelta Labs’s assets in any radio, broadcast, print, or out-of-home advertising greater than 8.5x11 inches (A4 size) need to request access. The permission requests must be made in English and attached to them must be a mock of how the brand’s logo is planned to be used.

For detailed guidelines and to download approved assets, be sure to visit the Brands Elements section of the website

Logo Pack

I have read and accept the applicable guidelines and other terms for use.

Utilizing the Brand

Avoid utilising the brand image in ways that would imply sponsorship, partnership, or makes the brand Zelta Labs the only prominent or distinctive feature. Any context which sheds negative light on the brand itself, either in a script or storyline, must be avoided. You must comply with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.

Consistency Assurance

  • Ensure the capitalization of the letters “Z” and “T” and in the same font style and size as the content surrounding it.
  • If you design a website, an app or a service or product that uses Zelta Labs APIs or is otherwise related to or compatible with Zelta Labs, you may only use Zelta Labs to say that your app is “for Zelta Labs” or that the name of your campaign is “on Zelta Labs” in a descriptive fashion.
  • Do not attempt to translate, abbreviate or modify the word Zelta Labs to another language by utilizing non-English characters, or use of our logos to replace it.
  • Do not combine the words “Zelta” or “Labs” with your own brand.
  • Do not combine any aspect of the Zelta Labs brand with a company name, generic terms or other trademarks.

Avoid representing the brand Zelta Labs in a way that:

  • Zelta Labs may be mentioned in a TV commercial with Zelta Labs companies or products.
  • Do not mention other blockchain/crypto/web3.0/De-Fi based platforms in the same spot as Zelta Labs or it's products, unless it is a general “Follow us on...” CTA.
  • If you create a hashtag that uses words Zelta or Tech, it shouldn’t be used on other social platforms and no attempts should be made to enforce or acquire rights over that hashtag.

Using the Zelta Labs
Brand in TV & Film

When using Zelta Labs in broadcast media, it must be ensured that members of our community are given proper attribution for their content.

Movies, Commercials & Shows

If you plan to maintain your presence on Zelta Labs in a Zelta Labs products or use screenshots of Zelta Labs’s and it's products UI in a commercial, short film or movie, weekly show, TV or web series, and any other video, you need to follow our approval process.

To do so, follow the steps given below.

Step One

  • If you plan to use Zelta Labs in a commercial, film or a show, submit the main part of the script along with the Zelta Labs asset mocked up the way you’d wish to use it.
  • We may request to see the entire script if the usage isn’t clear enough. For animation, submit your script along with the business development paintings and digital storyboards
  • Please ensure that only the approved assets are used. When you first submit your request, we would get back to you within two to three weeks

Step Two

  • Once the creatives are finalized, including your mock and script, submit the near-final version of our asset in your media.
  • As for animation, the final clip must be uploaded once the animation is complete.
  • When you submit your finalized creatives, we will get back to you within two to three weeks.
  • However, if it may take longer than two to three weeks in seeking approval, you must revise your creative and resubmit your request while adhering to our guidelines. No approvals are final until you have them in writing.